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Bolotin, D. 24000280.pdf
Transcript of a lecture given in 1995 by David Bolotin.

Sarkis, 2018-08.mp3
Audio recording of a lecture given on August 1, 2018 by Ed Sarkis as part of the Graduate Institute Summer Lecture Series.

lec Sachs 1975-07-06.pdf
Typescript of a lecture delivered on July 6, 1975 by Joe Sachs as part of the Formal Lecture Series.

Dougherty, J. 24003867.pdf
Transcript of a lecture given on April 2, 2010 by Janet Dougherty as part of the Dean's Lecture and Concert Series.

Tutor Panel, 3-2018.mp3
Audio recording of a tutor panel discussion with Seth Appelbaum, Janet Dougherty, Jacques Duvoisin, Topi Heikkerö, and Nicholas Starr held on March 30, 2018 as part of the Dean's Lecture and Concert Series. Moderated by Raoni Padui.

Script of Part 12 of the Symbolic History series by Charles G. Bell.

Program and Ticket of the 1973 production of "As You Like It"

Fried, Gregory 11-17-17.mp3
Audio recording of a lecture delivered on November 17, 2017 by Gregory Fried as part of the Formal Lecture Series.

At the retirement party for Eva Brann, the dean reads with surprise at a galley copy of her newest book, The Past-Present, delivered by tutor Pamela Kraus and designer Adrienne Rogers, 1997.

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Script of Part 36 of the Symbolic History series by Charles G. Bell.

Audio recording of an online lecture given on January 29, 2021 by Nicolas de Warren as part of the Dean's Lecture & Concert Series and the Carol J. Worrel Annual Series on Literature. The Dean's Office provided this description of the event :…

Burns 1-25-19.mp3
Audio recording of a lecture delivered by Daniel Burns on January 25, 2019 as part of the Formal Lecture Series.

Script of Part 24 of the Symbolic History series by Charles G. Bell.

lec Ruhm von Oppen 1972-10-27.pdf
Typescript of a lecture delivered on October 27, 1972 by Beate Ruhm von Oppen as part of the Formal Lecture Series.

lec Ruhm von Oppen 1972-10-27.mp3
Audio recording of a lecture delivered on October 27, 1972 by Beate Ruhm von Oppen as part of the Formal Lecture Series.

lec Ruhm von Oppen 1975-05-02.mp3
Audio recording of a lecture delivered on May 02, 1975 by Beate Ruhm von Oppen as part of the Formal Lecture Series.
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