Faculty Archive

Faculty can access collections related to the academic program at St. John's College. These collections require a special login which can be obtained by contacting the site administrator. Santa Fe faculty can contact Jennifer Sprague to request a login.

Collections included in this archive are:

Annapolis Archon Reports

Annapolis Instruction Manuals

Annapolis Size of the College Reports

Santa Fe Archon Reports

Santa Fe Instructional Manuals

Dean's Statements

All of the items in these collections are searchable. Boolean searching is recommended when limiting to a specific collection. To perform a Boolean search, click on the ellipsis next to the search box in the upper right-hand corner of the website. Select Boolean, and type in the following:

To search Annapolis Archon Reports:  +"archon report"

To search Santa Fe Archon Reports:  +"santa fe archon report"

To search Santa Fe Instructional Manuals: +"santa fe instructional manual"

To search Dean's Statements:  +"dean's statement"

After this entry, then type in your search term preceded by a + sign. For example, +"archon report" +"sophomore", will retrieve all items in the Archon Reports Collection that include the term 'sophomore'.

For additional tips on searching these collections, please refer to the Help page.