Audio recording of a lecture delivered on September 14, 1979, by Eva Brann as part of the Formal Lecture Series. The quality of the recording ranges from poor to very poor. Written versions of the lecture are available in the Formal Lecture Series…
Video Recording of a lecture delivered on February 16, 2024, by Alexandra Horowitz as part of the Formal Lecture Series. Prof. Horowitz is the Senior Research Fellow in the Dog Cognition Lab at Barnard College in New York, and is also an Associate…
Video recording of a lecture delivered on September 23, 2022, by Mary Townsend as part of the Formal Lecture Series.Ms. Townsend is an assistant professor of philosophy at St. John’s University in New York. She is the author of The Woman Question in…
Typescript of a lecture delivered June 5, 1953, by Jacob Klein as part of the Formal Lecture Series. The typescript was printed by the St. John's College Press and sold in the college's book store around 1965.
Typescript of a lecture delivered April 20, 1962, by Jacob Klein as part of the Formal Lecture Series. The typescript is an enlarged version of the lecture that was delivered.