Browse Items (55 total)

  • Collection: Speeches, presentations, and other lectures

Levine, D. 24003171.pdf
Transcript of the commencement address given on May 20, 2006 by David Levine in Santa Fe, NM.

Saint John's College Music.mp3
Audio recording of three St. John's College songs, including: "Ode to Saint John's College", "Saint John's College March" (or "St. John's Forever"), and "A Team Song" sung to the tune of "Auld Lang Syne".

lec Herman, Arthur 4-13-18 (Kristensen lecture).mp3
Audio recording of a lecture delivered on April 13, 2018 by Dr. Arthur Herman as part of the LCDR Erik S. Kristensen Lecture Series.

lec Ruhm von Oppen 1993-07-19.pdf
Typescript of a lecture by Beate Ruhm von Oppen given in Berlin on July 19, 1993, with summary of main points in English. Entitled "Der Deutsche Widerstand Im Wendejahr 1943".


lec Kalkavage 2015-10-08.pdf
Typescript of a lecture delivered on October 8, 2015 by Peter Kalkavage


lec Peters 2013-04-03.mp3
Audio recording of a lecture delivered on April 3, 2013, by Ralph Peters as part of the LCDR Erik S. Kristensen Lecture Series.

lec Brann 1975-09-02.pdf
Typescript of a lecture delivered on September 02, 1972 by Eva Brann at the 1975 Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Foundation.

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Codevilla 4-19-17 (Kristensen Lecture).pdf
Typescript of a lecture delivered on April 19, 2017 by Dr. Angelo Codevilla as part of the LCDR Erik S. Kristensen Lecture Series.

Codevilla 4-19-17 (Kristensen Lecture).mp3
Audio recording of a lecture delivered on April 19, 2017 by Dr. Angelo Codevilla as part of the LCDR Erik S. Kristensen Lecture Series.

Pesic, P. 24003356.pdf
Transcript of an address given on May 16, 1998 by Peter Pesic as part of the Baccalaureate service in Santa Fe, NM.

Video recording of a lecture delivered on April 6, 2022, by Jeffrey R. Macris as part of the LCDR Erik S. Kristensen Lecture Series. Twenty-four centuries ago the ancient Greek world erupted in a fratricidal war that pitted Athens and its allies…

lec Tuck The Chains of the Skyway.pdf
Typescript of a lecture given by Jonathan Tuck.


FaFi-KalkavageP028 Teaching Dante's Divine Comedy.pdf
Typescript of a lecture delivered in 200x by Peter Kalkavage.


Barr Buchanan 1966-08-25 (part 2).mp3
Audio recording of Stringfellow Barr and Scott Buchanan discussing and answering questions about the history and development of the St. John's program. Recorded in two parts on August 25, 1966 as a supplement to Warren C. Bomhardt’s Master’s Thesis,…

Barr Buchanan 1966-08-25 (part 1).mp3
Audio recording of Stringfellow Barr and Scott Buchanan discussing and answering questions about the history and development of the St. John's program. Recorded in two parts on August 25, 1966 as a supplement to Warren C. Bomhardt’s Master’s Thesis,…

Carey, J. 24000381.pdf
Transcript of a the address given on May 19, 1991 by James Carey as part of the Baccalaureate service in Santa Fe, NM.

Richard Scofield 1898-1970.pdf
Program of the transcript for the memorial services of Tutor Richard Scofield, held in The Great Hall on the Annapolis Campus, October 17, 1970.

lec Ruhm von Oppen 1970-03-18.pdf
Typescript of a paper by Beate Ruhm von Oppen presented on March 18, 1970 at The International Scholars Conference on "The German Church Struggle 1933-1945: What Can America Learn?" held at Wayne State University March 15-19, 1970.


lec Nabokov et al 1973.mp3
Audio recording of a discussion entitled "Reminiscences of Scott Buchanan" circa 1973; with Nicholas Nabokov, Ford K. Brown, Simon Kaplan, John Kieffer, Jacob Klein, J. Winfree Smith, W. Kyle Smith, and Miriam Strange.

Remarks at Retirement Dinner June 16 2017 (Nelson).pdf
Remarks given by Chris Nelson on June 16, 2017 at his Retirement Dinner Celebration.


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