Browse Items (5498 total)

Collegian 1957, September.pdf
Vol I, No I of The Collegian. Published in September 1957.

Collegian Sept 1957.pdf
Volume I, Number I of the St. John's Collegian. Published in September 1957.

CtC AN Grenke V05_LOCK_4k_ac.mp4
Louis Petrich + Michael Grenke: The Limitations & Possibilities of Sight: Euclid’s Optics is episode 1 of the Continuing the Conversation series and podcast. The episode was published on January 19, 2023.

What are the limitations and…


Grenke, 01-2019.mp3
Audio recording of a lecture delivered on January 25, 2019 by Michael Grenke as part of the Dean's Lecture and Concert Series.

Grenke, 1-2018.mp3
Audio recording of a lecture given on January 19, 2018 by Michael Grenke as part of the Dean's Lecture and Concert Series.

Grenke, 2-17.mp3
Audio recording of a lecture given on February 3, 2017 by Michael Grenke as part of the Dean's Lecture and Concert Series.

Grenke, 11-14.mp3
Audio recording of a lecture given on November 21, 2014 by Michael Grenke as part of the Dean's Lecture and Concert Series.

Grenke, 9-15.mp3
Audio recording of a lecture given on September 4, 2015 by Michael Grenke as part of the Dean's Lecture and Concert Series.

lec Grenke 2013-01-18.pdf
Typescript of a lecture delivered on January 18, 2013 by Michael Grenke as part of the Formal Lecture Series.

Audio recording of a lecture delivered on January 18, 2013, by Michael Grenke as part of the Formal Lecture Series.

Grenke 12-2-16.mp3
Audio recording of a lecture delivered on December 2, 2016 by Michael Grenke as part of the Formal Lecture Series.

lec Greenstine 2015.pdf
Typescript of a lecture delivered on June 17, 2015 by Abraham Greenstine as part of the Graduate Institute Summer Lecture Series. Greenstine's lecture looks at the possibility and problems of "Absolute Knowing" in Hegel's Phenomonology of Spirit. In…

Audio recording of a lecture delivered on November 11, 2011, by Joshua Greene as part of the Formal Lecture Series.

Greene describes his lecture: "How does the moral brain work, and how can it work better?... In this talk I'll review evidence old…

Audio recording of a lecture delivered on September 8, 2000, by Anthony Grafton as part of the Formal Lecture Series.

Lecture Schedule 2018 Summer.pdf
Schedule of lectures and concerts in Summer 2018, sponsored by the Graduate Institute.

Lecture Schedule 2009 Summer.pdf
Schedule of lectures and concerts in Summer 2009, sponsored by the Graduate Institute.

Lecture Schedule 2008 Summer.pdf
Schedule of lectures and concerts in Summer 2008, sponsored by the Graduate Institute.

Lecture Schedule 2006 Summer.pdf
Schedule of lectures and concerts in Summer 2006, sponsored by the Graduate Institute.

Lecture Schedule 2005 Summer.pdf
Schedule of lectures and concerts in Summer 2005, sponsored by the Graduate Institute.

Lecture Schedule 2003 Summer.pdf
Schedule of lectures and concerts in Summer 2003, sponsored by the Graduate Institute.
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