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Photograph of Eva Brann used on pg. 47 of a catalogue of St. John's College. The markings on the front state, "86 S.F. G.I."

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Portrait of Eva Brann, circa 1984. The back of the photograph reads, "Eva Brann, reproduce as is, Sept. 1984 Reporter."

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Scene in Coffee Shop, St. John's College, circa 1960s

Jacob Klein leading a tutorial, St. John's College, Annapolis, Maryland. Mr. Klein was a tutor at St. John's from 1938 until his death in 1978.

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Franz and Olga L. Plunder Having a Meal with Jacob Klein in McDowell Hall, St. John's College, Annapolis, Maryland, circa 1940-1942

Photograph of a Portrait of Jacob Klein. Mr. Klein was a tutor at St. John's from 1938 until his death in 1978.

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Views of St Johns College_circa 1909.pdf
Views of St. John's College, a brochure published circa 1909. The brochure includes a view of a swimming pool in Iglehart gymnasium. A slightly later (circa 1910) version of the brochure shows Iglehart in a more finished state.

Admissions Brochure circa 1910.pdf
Views of St. John's College, a brochure published circa 1910.

Photograph of Main Street in Annapolis, Maryland, circa 1870.  The photograph is a modern copy print. A photographic print of the same image is in the Maryland Department Photograph Collection at the Enoch Pratt Free Library.
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