Commencement Programs and Addresses


Commencement Programs and Addresses


Addresses given at commencement and programs of events related to, and including, the annual commencement ceremonies at St. John's College. Includes both the undergraduate and Graduate Institute commencements. 

The College Archives holds programs and/or addresses for the following years:
  • 1796
  • 1835-1836
  • 1842
  • 1852
  • 1856-1857
  • 1870
  • 1878
  • 1880
  • 1890
  • 1893
  • 1895
  • 1897
  • 1907
  • 1910-1918
  • 1920-1924
  • 1928-1929
  • 1932
  • 1936-1937
  • 1939-1945
  • 1947-present  
Click on Items in the Commencement Programs and Addresses Collection to view and sort all items in the collection.


Annapolis, MD


St. John's College Greenfield Library



Collection Items

Annapolis Commencement Address, Spring 2019
Typescript of the commencement address given on May 12, 2019 by Robert Charles Abbott, Jr. at the end of the Spring 2019 semester in Annapolis, MD.

Commencement Address, Spring 2018
Audio recording of the commencement address given on May 13, 2018 by Matthew Holtzman at the end of the Spring 2018 semester in Annapolis, MD. Introduction by Panayiotis Kanelos.

Commencement Program, 2018
Program for the two hundred twenty-sixth commencement in the three hundred twenty-second year of the college.

Graduate Institute Commencement Program,  2017
Program for the thirty-eighth summer commencement on the Annapolis campus of the Graduate Institute in liberal education.

Commencement Program, 2017
Program for the two hundred twenty-fifth commencement in the three hundred twenty-first year of the college.

Commencement Address, Graduate Institute, Summer 2016
Typescript of the commencement address for the Graduate Institute given by Peter Kalkavage at the end of the Summer 2016 semester in Annapolis, MD. Entitled "On the seriousness of play or the importance of not being Earnest".

Commencement Program, 2016
Program for the two hundred twenty-fourth commencement in the three hundred twentieth year of the college.

Commencement Address, Spring 2016
Audio recording of the commencement address given on May 16, 2016 by Thomas May at the end of the Spring 2016.

Commencement Address, Spring 2016
Typescript of the commencement address given on May 16, 2016 by Tom May at the end of the Spring 2016 semester in Annapolis, MD.

Graduate Institute Commencement Program,  2015
Program for the thirty-sixth summer commencement on the Annapolis campus of the Graduate Institute in liberal education.

Commencement Program, 2015
Program for the two hundred twenty-third commencement in the three hundred nineteenth year of the college.

Commencement Address, Graduate Institute, Summer 2014
Typescript of the commencement address for the Graduate Institute given by John Verdi at the end of the Spring 2014 semester in Annapolis, MD.

Commencement Program,  2014
Program for the two hundred twenty-second commencement in the three hundred eighteenth year of the college.

Commencement Address, Graduate Institute, Summer 2013
Typescript of the commencement address for the Graduate Institute given by Creig Hoyt at the end of the Spring 2013 semester in Annapolis, MD.

Commencement Program,  2013
Program for the two hundred twenty-first commencement in the three hundred seventeenth year of the college.

Commencement Address, Graduate Institute, Summer 2011
Typescript of the commencement address for the Graduate Institute given by Lise van Boxel at the end of the Spring 2011 semester in Annapolis, MD.

Commencement Program,  2011
Program for the two hundred nineteenth commencement in the three hundred fifteenth year of the college.

Commencement Address, Graduate Institute, Summer 2007
Typescript of the commencement address for the Graduate Institute given by Peter Kalkavage on August 10, 2007 in Annapolis, MD. Entitled "On the difficult".

Commencement Program,  2001
Program for the two hundred ninth commencement in the three hundred fifth year of the college.

Commencement Program,  2000
Program for the Two Hundred Eighth Commencement in the Three Hundred Fourth Year of the College. Also includes a program addendum for the Baccalaureate Service and a list of events.
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